Saturday 30 October 2010

Car-Seat Safety In Colder Weather.

Whether you want to think about it or not (I know I don't!) colder weather is coming. Winter means frigid temperatures and bundling up, but did you know bundling up in the car can be highly unsafe? Puffy winter coats don't allow you to have the straps on your child's car-seat tight enough, and the same can go for your seat belt.

A wonderful technician in the US took the time to make a Facebook album demonstrating why these coats are unsafe and some safe alternatives, you can check it out here : How to safely wear a winter coat in a car seat!

Take time to find safe alternatives before the cold weather hits. Buy fleece coats or learn the "coat trick" demonstrated in the photos because even just one short drive could result in a car crash!

Keep your kids safe this winter, you won't regret it!