Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Secretly Dangerous - Aftermarket Accessories

Today we are very fortunate to know about child passenger safety and to have multiple car seat manufacturers around making wonderful and safe car seats for all types of cars so that children can be safe. Unfortunately when a market like this becomes popular you also end up with companies making things that aren't so safe. Some companies simply don't realise their products are potentially dangerous to children and honestly think they are helping kids. Some companies know that their products are dangerous and don't care. Aftermarket accessories for car seats are never a good idea. Some of these products have statements on them about being "crash tested" and "proven safe" but today I'm here to tell you a secret. An aftermarket product claiming to be crash tested can mean anything. Here in Canada (and in the USA as well for my American readers) there are no standards on testing aftermarket products for car seats. There are plenty of stringent steps and tests to go through for car seats, but aftermarket products are a whole different ball game.

So what exactly does "crash tested" mean on an aftermarket product mean? Unfortunately it can mean anything. The manufacturer can throw a product at a wall and make sure it doesn't break and call it "crash tested", but that doesn't mean it's safe for your child.

As a technician I see these accessories all the time. Sometimes it's something simple like a roll down window shade for the window beside your baby, and sometimes it's something promising you a safer, easier install, but almost every aftermarket product I see in my inspections can be potentially dangerous in a crash. Today I want to talk about some of the most common ones I see.

I'll start with the roll down window shades. Many parents have some type of window shade in the car to protect baby's eyes from the harsh sunlight coming through the window, and that's fine. The roll down ones (like I link in the last paragraph) and not a good idea though. Why? They're heavy and hard. If you're in a crash, it is probably going to detach from the window and go flying at your baby very fast and very hard and could cause major harm to your child. This doesn't mean you need to blind your child with the sun. Look for a static cling style shade, like the plastic decorations you get for Christmas or Halloween that adhere to glass and pull off easily. They'll still block the sun and just in case they ever fall off they won't hurt anyone. Baby is happy, you're happy, and both of you are safer. While you're removing your shade from your window, take a look around your car to see if there's anything else you see in your car that could go flying in a crash. Pretty much everything will fly around your car and could hit someone, and even if it seems soft now it may not when it's hurled at you. Store things in the trunk where you know they won't hit anyone, and ladies store your purses at your feet where they have less of a chance of taking flight.

Another common product I see are infant body supports, like the Snuzzler. When your baby is born and you put him or her in their car seat for the first time they can look so tiny and you worry that they're going to flop around in there. Many friends and family members will recommend these since they are so popular, but are they safe? Unfortunately not. It's been proven unsafe to put anything between your baby and the straps or between the back of the seat and your baby. These not only leave a lot of fabric behind the baby, but can interfere with proper stap positioning making the straps either too loose or placed in the wrong places. So what can you do for a baby who seems to flop around? Your seat probably came with an insert, and any insert included with your seat is safe to use. The manufacturer tested it with the seat according to the testing rules in your country and they have found it safe to use. Feel free to use it safely. You can also roll up receiving blankets and place them beside your baby after they are buckled in snuggly, as shown here. If just beside the head doesn't work you can place them all the way down your baby's sides.

Along the same lines as infant body supports are car seat buntings to keep baby warm in the winter like the Bundle Me. These are awesome products for in your stroller, but not for in your car seat. While they are nice and snuggly warm, they present many of the same problems as body support cushions. The fabric behind baby doesn't let the straps lay correctly or tighten properly. If your child's straps are too loose and you're in a crash, your baby could be ejected from the seat. Buntings in the seat make the straps seem plenty tight but in a crash the fabric compresses leaving extra space between baby and the straps and possible allowing ejection. So how can you keep baby warm safely in the the winter? The first thing you can do is dress them warm. Don't use puffy coats or snow suits (see my last post for reasons why) but a nice fleece coat is nice and warm. After baby is buckled up in their warm fleece jacket or fleece snow suits you can place blankets on top of the baby and buckles for added warmth on the way to the car. If you live in especially cold weather (I know I do!) you can add a shower cap style car seat cover like this. These covers are elastic on the edges and go over the car seat only, not inside and keep the wind off of the baby. Remember when you get to the car to unzip the cover to let baby breathe and once the car warms up you may want to take off some of the blankets so that your baby doesn't overheat.

Sometimes mom and dad want baby to have a cute car seat that makes baby smile so they go out and buy a new cover for their car seat or even sew their own. While they can be adorable get lots of comments, they are also not reccomended. Like your car seat the cover has to pass crash tests with the seat. A home made or aftermarket cover isn't tested with your seat. Maybe the strap slots are incorrect and will move the harness in unsafe ways, or maybe the padding is too thick. Car seat covers also have to be fire resistant, and while we all want to keep chemicals away from babies the car seat cover has to be an exception. In a crash if there are sparks or fire you don't want the cover to catch fire with baby in the seat. If you really want a new cover contact your manufacturer. They probably sell more covers over the phone or one their website that you may like better, and they are crash tested with the seat. Another thing to watch for a cute and soft harness pads. They look cute and seem harmless but can be unsafe. Only use the ones that came with your seat, or if your seat didn't come with any, pull your child's collar up as a barrier between the straps and their neck. Most children aren't bothered by the straps anyway, but if your child is consider only buying seats that come with the covers.

One of the most common things I hear from parents is "Will the car seat destroy the fabric of my car's seats? Can I use a seat protector?" The tight install of car seats seem like they could hurt your car, but it most likely wont. Usually a few hours after you take the seat out any dents from the car seat are gone. Protectors can cause an unsafe install to seem safe. They can be grippy making it seem like there is less than an inch of movement but in a crash the seat will move, or the thickness of them can compress in a crash and make the install too loose. If you're really worried about your seats or want to catch crumbs from kids dropping them, you can put a thin receiving blanket under the seat when you install.

These are just some of the aftermarket accessories I see in car seats. The basic rule of thumb is that if it didn't come with your seat, don't use it. While it's possible that it won't do anything in a crash, it's also possible it could be dangerous and I know you don't want anything to happen to your child. Do you have a question about an aftermarket product you've seen or used? Go ahead and ask about it. You can ask me in the comments here or on my Facebook Page or contact your local CRST (or CPST if you're American) and ask them. I know we'd all love to help you keep your child safe.


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  12. Параллельно-раздвижные двери и окна – PSK-портал монтируются специально для сохранения незаполненного, свободного пространства. Нормальные виды раскрываются вовнутрь строения, что занимает довольно большую область места в комнате. Технологичные окна разрешают избежать данной трудности, усилить световой и воздушный поток в помещении.
    Наклонно-сдвижной портал являются системами, кои обладают довольно широкой площадью стеклопакета. Ради открытия створок монтируются нижние и верхние направляющие, благодаря которым механизм бесшумно и легко движется.
    Скольжение происходит с помощью ходовых роликов, что имеют в своем составе опору в качестве элементов армирования, позволяющим максимально равномерно распределить массу по по всей двери. Они позволяют створке двери передвигаться во всевозможных режимах (наклона, сдвига).
    Высота створки двери или окна достигает 2360 мм, а ширина створки окна или двери может меняться от 670 мм до 160 см. В зависимости от общего веса (изменяется от 100 кг до 200 кг), на портальную систему ставится специальная фурнитура для гарантии беспроблемного функционирования створок, продления срока правильной работы. Ширина свободного проема имеет возможность достичь 2000 мм.
    Наклонно-сдвижные порталы могут похвастаться замечательными герметичными свойствами, хорошими показателями звуко-, теплоизоляции, предлагают высокий уровень противовзломности, идеально подойдут для всех вариантов современных профилей. При установке используют опоясывающие щеточные уплотнители, которые заметно улучшают функционирование створок.
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  13. Немногие компании-изготовители средств для окрашивания волос имеют возможность похвалиться тем, что их продукция попала в число фаворитов, которые предпочли члены королевских семейств. Компания-производитель Lebel Cosmetics уже больше трех десятков лет поставляет собственную продукцию в японский императорский дом. Логично, что, заслужив титул косметики номер один в Японии, продукция для биоламинирования волос Лебел в салоне красоты легко и просто захватила европейский рынок и уже покорила сердца многих граждан США и Канады.
